In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking, but now, God knows

Cole Porter’s score for Anything Goes is one of the most glorious in the history of the American Musical Theatre. I Get a Kick Out of You, Anything Goes, You’re the Top and Blow, Gabriel Blow are amongst the most well-loved pieces in the American Songbook.
This funny, romantic and intriguing story unfolds on board the SS American as it journeys out of New York on this musical seafaring romp across the Atlantic.
Long regarded as the perfect Broadway musical, Anything Goes stars Amanda Harrison as Reno Sweeney (Elphaba in Wicked), Alex Rathgeber (The Boy From Oz) is Billy Crocker, Anne Wood (Follies) is the matriarchal, Evangeline Harcourt.
Andrew Hallsworth (The Boy From Oz) returns from Broadway to direct and choreograph. Dean Bryant (Next to Normal) co-directs his first musical for The Production Company.
Australia’s pre-eminent musical director Peter Casey conducts all performances.