The students at Madame Dubonnet’s (Rhonda Burchmore) Finishing School for Girls are boy crazy. They dream of boyfriends and dancing and ball gowns. English heiress Polly Browne (Esther Hannaford) has to invent a fake boyfriend because her father won’t allow a real one.
Polly’s father Percival (Grant Smith) arrives in Nice only to discover Mde Dubonnet is his former flame. Meanwhile Polly falls in love with the delivery boy, Tony (Alex Rathgeber) safe in the knowledge that he thinks she is Mde Dubonnet’s secretary. But Tony himself has a secret; he is hiding from his wealthy parents Lord and Lady Brockhurst.
Things get hilariously complicated when Tony’s parents unexpectedly arrive in Nice. Could a happy ending be only a Charleston away?
Charmingly irresistible, Sandy Wilson’s The Boy Friend captures perfectly the romantic flavour of the 1920s. Hit numbers include Won’t You Charleston With Me?, The Boy Friend, I Could be Happy With You and It’s Never Too Late to Fall in Love.
6 PERFORMANCES • 12 – 16 AUGUST 2009
Gary Young
Costume Designer
Kim Bishop
Sound Design
John Scandrett,
Mark Benson &
Nick Reich for
System Sound
Musical Director/Conductor
David Piper
Set Designer
Richard Jeziorny
Andrew Hallsworth
Lighting Designer
Matthew King
By arrangement with Samuel French Limited.